Launch Day!
When I began planning this business adventure back in April, I set September 1st as the anticipated launch date for my website to be complete & fully functioning.
So many different little things happened along the way, each one pushing that date back a bit at a time. Had I launched it a few months ago, it would not have been nearly as good as it was meant to be, and I’m so grateful that despite missing out on basically the entire “crucial” 4th quarter, it’s all come together right on time.
Not my time, but definitely the right time.
To all who have supported & encouraged me, all who have subscribed to the email list and followed along on social media, and all who have helped bring my vision to life over the last several months, THANK YOU!
Thank you for your patience as we've put a whole lot of time, effort, & love into building the website and setting the foundation for my business.
Now, it's ready for YOU! I hope you enjoy exploring the site and can’t wait to hear from you about what you think of it!
With love,