Introducing February’s Hope Hero!
Katie Searfoss is an inspiration, and is truly making a difference in the community! She consistently spreads hope and love to others, and is one of the strongest and sweetest people you’ll ever meet.💖
As part of our monthly feature spotlighting Heroes of Hope, Katie was so kind to take the time to answer all the questions I asked her. Below you’ll find our Q&A interview and get to know Katie a bit more!

Q: How do you define Hope?
A: I would define it as a grounded confidence and deep trust.
Q: What gives you Hope or inspires you?
A: Jesus. I’ve put my hope in other things before that have failed me. But I have this hope that comes from knowing Jesus, that cannot fail- it is Living Hope. It doesn’t promise me an easy road-but Hope never runs out.
Q: Can you tell us about a time you didn’t feel hopeful & what got you through it?
A: I live in chronic pain from a few different pain disorders. It is easy to feel hopeless for me if I put my hope in myself or even my doctors. Since my hope is in Jesus, that hope is not dependent on the outcome of my pain. It’s bigger than that. It’s that Living Hope that pulls me through my darkest days. When I feel hopeless it’s because I have let my discouragement/fear/pain/whatever seem bigger than the Lord’s power- my Living Hope. I battle discouragement or fear and certainly pain—all the time, don’t get me wrong. For me, it’s about where I’m placing my trust and if I’m surrendering my control.
Q: What is your favorite book or movie/TV show?
A: My current favorite book is “No Cure for Being Human” by Kate Bowler
Q: How about your favorite quote and/or Bible verse?
A: My favorite Bible verse changes constantly. Today it is, Nahum 1:7 “The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in Him.”
Q: What’s the last song you heard that made you sing along to it?
A: This is such a fun question. I’m a big fan of only playing songs in the car or on my phone that I’d sing along to. Current favorite to do so with is “Endless Praise” by Charity Gayle
Q: Can you tell us about what you do in the community or for work?
A: I’m the Children’s Ministry Director at Hope Community Church, which means I have the privilege of planning and executing programming for kids and teaching them about Jesus. I also am a Group Lead at “A Haven” in Chester County; a non-profit supporting children and their families who are grieving the death of a loved one.
Q: What part of the work you do brings you the most fulfillment or joy?
A: I feel really honored to be able to walk with people in the middle of their hard (no matter what that looks like) - for both children and adults. While the approaches look a little different at church and A Haven – one of the biggest similarities is that I desire to hold space that is safe for children and adults.
Q: When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A: The first thing I wanted to be was an author and an illustrator—but quickly learned illustrating would not be a good choice.
Q: Who is/are your biggest role model(s) and why?
A: I have been so fortunate to have grown up with such great role models. When people say “it takes a village” – I think about how big the village was that helped raise me, and who still are actively in my life. My parents are my biggest role models. They’ve shown me what it looks like to love well, lead well, and how to faithfully follow Jesus.
Q: What is a motto you live by or love?
A: “Be Kind.”
Q: What word did you find first in the Hope/Love logo?
A: Hope!
It’s an honor to have Katie as the very first Hope Hero for Hope is the way, Love is the answer. She most definitely deserves to be recognized for all she does and is.
Congratulations, Katie! Keep being amazing! 😊
Know someone else who is making a positive impact in the world? Nominate them!
Every month, a new Hope Hero is featured by Hope is the way, Love is the answer. This inspiring individual is selected among those nominated, given a spotlight shout out, and awarded with a $50 gift card toward anything on the website! Anyone can nominate anyone (including themselves) by emailing or filling out the “Contact” form on the website. 😊